Monday, May 13, 2013

Help Promote Bicycling Safety

This year I wanted to tell you about the International Ride of Silence before it occurred.  As you may recall, this is an event that honors bicyclists who have been killed or injured due to a bicycle/motorist interaction.  This is my third year of attendance.  I go in order to support one of my professors who has had two significant crashes.  One of them was critical and involved a motorist who was texting on a cell phone at the time of the collision.  My professor, who is actually the chair of my dissertation committee, continues to use his bicycle for transportation and recreation.  He, as well as I,  firmly support and advocate bicycle helmet use and bicycling safety legislation.
Please click on this link to locate the ride that is scheduled in your area.  May 15th 2013 7pm.  This is the ten year anniversary.

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