Thursday, April 5, 2012

Conserving our Resources and our Health

The information in the video below is related to previous posts which regarded the over use of diagnostic tests and imaging.  In these past posts, the risks, inconvenience and costs associated with over use of tests was addressed. I encouraged you to ask your doctor this critical question:  What, if anything, will this test change about my treatment? 

The American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation and Consumer Reports are behind the current initiative that you may have been hearing about and which is discussed in the NBC video.

I am also linking you to an article in JAMA which explains how this came to be - referencing many of the same issues that have been addressed here over the years.

Lastly, this link takes you to the ABIM website which has tips for patients and doctors on how to have the conversation for "Choosing Wisely."

You can go to the news clip at NBC here if you'd rather.

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