Friday, May 21, 2010

My Favorite Vegetables

I am going to share my favorite low calorie vegetables - my favorites because they are satisfying, almost "meaty" in a sense. I will make a list and then you can click on the you tube link where I have made a vegetable playlist because how you cook them also matters.

I think the reasons that these veggies come out so well is either because of their innate properties or the spices and such I use to cook them. There is this food idea or concept out there called umami - I believe. It refers to a food's savoriness and the foods that have the most umami properties are also satiating ones.

Think mushrooms, Parmesan cheese, tomatoes, soy based foods or Asian foods. I am adding green beans and brussels sprouts because they hit the same spot for me. So these veggies are my favorites for their nutritional make up - high nutrient, low calories and / or also for their umami flair.

Roasted green or yellow beans
Roasted or Baked brussels sprouts
Broccoli Rabe
Summer Squashes
Kabuki Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Yellow, green, orange and red bell peppers

Here is the link which provides video cooking ideas for some of these veggies...

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