Friday, March 23, 2012

Cheezy Chicken Balls - On a Stick

It's what's for breakfast!
A friend of mine is traveling internationally this week and sent me this photo today.  He said that he immediately thought of me when he passed this display.  Of course, I understand that he would.  
His comments that accompanied the picture gave me a chuckle, I believe they were, "because who wouldn't want cheezy chicken balls on a stick for breakfast."  
I have no idea where this is from - I think an airport maybe. I googled Cheezy Chicken Balls (scarey that!) and only found recipes (yuck) and not a fast food joint.  If you look at the picture closely, I think its an Asian place and my friend had gone to SE Asia so that would make sense.  I am sure that the food is meant for Americans though.
Anyways, here they are!
Caution - Not a low energy dense food!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your friend was in Singapore :-) and no it isn't an airport it was a small fast food place next to a 7-11 on the way from the Carlton hotel to the Singapore Cricket Club. I cannot imagine WHO they are targeting these things to...Ugh :-)