Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drinking Your Meals

I have been seeing advertisements for McDonalds - oh sorry,  "McCafe" - frozen strawberry lemonade.  I see the commercials on my computer when I am watching TV.  It played several times while I was watching a show last night and I just couldn't stop myself from Googling the drink name right then and there in order to get the calorie information.

It has 200 calories, which I think is a lot for a beverage.  For example, it is 200 calories MORE than water or a diet soda.  If you know how to choose and prepare food, 200 calories can take up a lot of space on a plate.

 The other beverages that came up on the website were even worse! Take a look at this link.  If you hover your mouse over the picture of a drink, the nutrient content info will appear in a little box.  Some of the shakes have over 500 calories - yikes! The list does not include the word sugar, I wonder why, but does say carbs - which is the same thing in this regard.  You will notice that they are very high in carbs!

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