Monday, June 20, 2011

Creating Walls

It is interesting that the idea for this post came from the words of a song.  I cannot recall what song it was only that it is on my IPOD and I'd heard it many times before I caught the lyric and even now, I cannot remember exactly what it was - something like, "it is fear that keeps you here"

Which leads me to offer this.  It is okay to be scared.  In fact, having some hesitation or anxiety regarding a situation is good.  It gives us pause to consider our actions, think of pros and cons, develop a strategy, and so forth.  

When caution and being afraid escalate to fear however, - I think we build walls.  Fear builds walls.

Those walls may keep you in a situation that is doing you harm or keep you out of a situation that would bring you joy.  This sounds a little like a job that pays the bills but nothing else....

It even applies to fear that comes when we think of eating less or exercising more.  I relate to that.  It is often a fear of not succeeding, of feeling pains (aches and such), of giving up something that you think you need to feel good (comfort foods?) or many other things.  

Just remember, sometimes fear keeps us inside walls that might feel protective, but are really enfeebling or stultifying.  I use those words specifically because I was once inside walls like that - they were relationship walls, and I remember seeing those words in some text, looking them up and thinking "Oh my gosh, that is me."

But taking lots of walks and just being still with myself, helped me over come the fear and the walls.  Since then, I have been a little unstoppable - people use new words to describe me including this one "fierce."

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