Sunday, September 11, 2011

Odds and Ends

Bone Drugs - The FDA has been reviewing several popular drugs that are used in the prevention of osteoporatic fracture and preventing bone density loss.  Some public health advocates are concerned over the risk of both femur and jaw fractures in women who take these medications.  I believe those in question are Fosomax, Actonel and Boniva.  The medications are classified in general as bisphosphonates.  You may recall my blogging about them in the past.  The FDA panel was debating  whether or not to recommend some type of time limit for taking these pills or a treatment holiday after a certain length of time.  The panel did not come to a conclusion.  Many members felt that the information was conflicting, but most agreed that the labels did need to be updated to warn women of the risk of these fractures.

Lactaid Free and Sugar - At a meeting this week, as we discussed the National School Lunch Program updates, the talk turned to milk.  Someone noted that she had switched to Lactaid Free Milk and that it was a lot sweeter.  I also drink Lactaid Free (skim) and had not noticed this.  One person in the group said that there was more sugar in the lactaid free type.  I compared two brands this weekend - two skims, one lactaid free and one not - they both had 12 grams of sugar.

Weight Watchers - Bone loss pills got bad press this week and the Weight Watchers Program got good.  I did not read the research study that shows a positive weight loss effect from Weight Watchers.  Friends and family have told me about the NEW Weight Watchers and from witnessing their progress I feel that the headline is likely true.  This leads me to continue my endorsement of WW.  And in case you are not sure, it is NOT a diet.

More Knee "research" - I was walking backward up a hill after I finished a run the other day.  It is good for the quadriceps muscles (thighs).  A woman that I often see walking her two dalmatians commented that I wouldn't want to do that in her neighborhood because of the sidewalk disrepair.  I turned and walked with her a block or so.  She said that her husband was a runner but does not do so much these days because of his knee.  Of course, most of you know what I said next, "OH?  what sport did he play?"  She looked at me quizzically, and I said that I was learning that most knee injuries were related to contact sports not running and indeed I was right again!  "football."

Helmet Promotion - In the arboretum this afternoon, I came across a family of four (they seemed a family).  Two small children were on tricycles and the little girl did not have her helmet on.  Her mother had it in her hand and seemed frustrated.  I stopped and said, "I have a pink helmet.  I wear it all the time."  This prompted the mom to say to the little one, "what color is your helmet?"  She pointed to the pink part of her purple and pink helmet.  I said, "Oh, it matches your dress!"  As I walked on, the little boy pointed out that he was wearing his helmet and the little girl let the mom get her helmeted.  The dad mouthed "thank you."  And that was my health promotion activity of the day :)

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