Saturday, September 24, 2011


As part of my Qualitative Research Methods coursework, I had to read an article on a research study that used a particular methodology.  The ethnography.  The study was conducted and article written, by a sociology professor at the University of Mississippi.  If you visit Dr. Ross Haenfler's faculty page and scroll down a little, you will see titles of  his study publications.  
The ethnography (a study of a culture or subculture) I read was meant to capture the Straight Edge subculture that grew out of the Punk and Skinhead scene of the 70-90s.  The sXe way of life involved a commitment of abstinence.  Members chose to refrain from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs - completely, and to avoid casual sex.  In reading Haenfler's study and the quotes therein, I thought about harnessing some of that positive energy from these youth.  They did not want to put anything into their bodies that would have an adverse physical or mental affect. They did not want to cloud their ability to think for themselves nor detract from their ability to self actualize.
I really understand this - and though alcohol has health promoting properties, many of the youth who were drawn to a subculture, were escaping the problem drinking of their parents or peers.
The sXers in the study also cared about the foods that they ate.  That is the mentality I would like to harness.  The body IS that important.  Eating junk type food (in excess or at all some would argue) for the "pleasure" or hedonism of it has consequences. 
It could also be detrimental, preventing people from reaching their full potentials.

Thus I propose a sXe stance against gluttony :)

1 comment:

Dinahsoar said...

There is a verse in the New Testament of the Bible that says if you are a glutton you might as well put a sword to your throat. When I first read that 40 years ago I had no idea what it meant. The light bulb came on when it finally dawned on me that gluttony, whatever the appetite, is excess.....and excess is destructive, to the point that it kills..sometimes a fast death but usually a slow death and unbeknownst to us.

So, if your a glutton,you may as well slit your throat--the end result will be the same.