Monday, September 12, 2011

Vending Machines

I am working on vending machine issues with two different groups in  different settings.  One involves a group of highschools and the other a college. 

In case you missed it, Healthy Vending is all the rage these days :)

I met with my university partner today and we etched out a strategy that we are going to take to one of the muckety mucks and then we hope to engage the nutrition club/students.

We may use 9 machines. Our idea is that we will have two conditions and four factors - so 8 scenarios.

The machine content will either be changed or not changed - that is the condition.  In each set we will have one of these factors - education only, product info only, education and info, or nothing at all.  With the education component we will also refer them to a website and there we could possibly collect some additional data (you know I love the survey).  

With our machines we want to see if any of the factors change purchasing behavior.  The factor I liked the most is the product info only one.  I simply want to turn the packages around so to speak.  In actuality, we would put the back of pack information for each product on a poster board outside of the machine.

I will keep you posted on the status of our work.  First we have to gain access to machine receipts and the ability to adjust the product selection - we have to have a baseline to measure etc.

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