Monday, August 23, 2010


I believe that I have finally found something that will keep me busy (i.e. grad school)! There is so much to say but I have so much to read, and that means I doubt I will be able to finish the novel I was reading until Thanksgiving. But I digress.

Today I want to make a point about exercise, or more importantly, the exercise routine. I have not had access to a swimming pool since the beginning of August when I had been swimming twice a week. I had worked up to 26 or more minutes continuous swimming. In that particular pool it was 34 laps. I had stopped bicycling for about a month, so when I was originally unable to swim but able to bike, I thought it an okay temporary situation. The pool is now open and as intimidating as it seemed, I knew I had to get over there as soon as possible and not let the fear or any other side tracking talk me out of it.

The pool schedule is very limited. Just a few hours on different days and not the same hours on any given day. I saw my window this evening at 5pm. First "obstacle" - I prefer to work out in the morning. Second "obstacle" - figuring out this bicycle and back pack issue, how much can I carry, etc. It takes less than 15 minutes to ride to school but there are a few challenging hills. I left my swim wear at home this morning because I just didn't think I could handle it all. Third "obstacle" -well I rode to school and walked around a lot, so that really is physical activity (which it is - be remember physical activity is important and exercise is as well - they serve different purposes) - and I ran 12 miles yesterday. Fourth "obstacle" - ok, I have to ride home and get my things, maybe I should DRIVE back - oh no no no. Fifth - now that is going to be almost 8 bicycle miles and I need to do all of this reading and I need to go back to Best Buy because they told me this morning that they had to replace my brand new laptop with a completely new one that I still have to pick out.

But I did not let any of that stop me. And though the pool is in this very remote part of the building and I was nervous about finding it and walking around in my swimsuit with those youngsters, and swimming my non swimmer laps, I DID it.

I did it because running and biking and walking don't keep me in swimming shape. I did it because if I didn't do it today, I would just as likely not do it next time. I did it because whatever obstacles I overcome, the more I will be able to handle.

And as busy as I am and will be for the next several years, I will not become sedentary and soft as most of my professors appear to be!

Now - don't tell me you are too busy for daily exercise - YOU ARE A PRIORITY!


Paula said...

You ARE my inspiration! Printed and may have to laminate this one as a constant reminder.

deedeeski said...

And that makes the blog worth every minute it takes to write!