Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hips and Knees

Okay - I am sitting on the couch with my newest laptop. I have been using it with my docking station but this is the first real time I have typed out on its keyboard. The space bar does not seem to be sticking anyways, but I am skipping over letters in my haste and unfamiliarity. No worries, let's move on. The bicycle is back and ready for riding tomorrow.

My classes themselves are mostly boring me to tears, but I am trying to be patient and not to come on like gangbusters as my last employer (supervisor) told me once that I could put people off by coming on so strong. So I wait.

Now about these hips and knees, not mine, but the ones that Johnson and Johnson is really hoping that you will replace with one of their devices. The FDA has sent them a warning letter about marketing for unapproved uses and also for promoting and selling a test or exam kit that has not been sanctioned for market. I have told you in the past why a company would do this. IN case you have forgotten, it is to make as much money as possible from each product that they create. I am especially interested in this TruMatch Personalized Solution System that is suggested to show physician's a 3 dimensional diagram of a knee so that the surgeon can place the new knee with precision. The system involves a high tech CT and we all know what that means yes?? Radiation. I am glad that the FDA has called them on these issues.

And to those of you wondering how I found the time to read that article I must admit, I didn't - find the time I mean, I robbed it from somewhere and now I need to go pay it back!

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